Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

This website is the property of Jimmy Raes ("SCARFISH")

Contact details:
Address of registered office: Koebosstraat 54, 9200 Dendermonde, Belgium
Phone: +32 479 64 93 65
E-mail: scarfish.info@gmail.com
Company number: VAT BE 0848 979 038
Business form: sole proprietorship
RPR: Dendermonde BE

By accessing and using the website, you expressly agree to the following general terms and conditions. 

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website, including trademarks, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts, images etc., is protected by intellectual property rights and belong to SCARFISH or rightful third parties.

Limitation of liability

The information on the website is of a general nature. The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances, and can therefore not be considered as personal, professional or legal advice to the user.

SCARFISH shall make every effort to ensure that the information provided is complete, correct, accurate and up-to-date. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies may occur in the information provided. Should the information provided contain inaccuracies or should specific information on or through the website be unavailable, SCARFISH will make every effort to rectify this as soon as possible.

However, SCARFISH cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information on this website.

Should you find any inaccuracies in the information made available through the website, please contact the website administrator.

The content of the website (including links) may be adjusted, modified or complemented at any time without prior notice or notification. SCARFISH does not guarantee the proper functioning of the website and can in no way be held liable for a malfunction or temporary (un)availability of the website or for any form of damage, direct or indirect, resulting from access to or use of the website.

SCARFISH cannot under any circumstances be held liable to anyone in any direct or indirect, special or otherwise, for damage caused by the use of this or any other website, in particular as a result of links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation, all losses, work disruptions, damage to the user's programs or other data on the computer system, equipment, software, etc.

The website may contain hyperlinks to websites or pages of third parties, or indirectly refer to them. The inclusion of links to these websites or pages in no way implies an implicit approval of their content.

SCARFISH expressly declares that it has no control over the content or other features of these websites and cannot under any circumstances be held liable for their content or features or for any other form of damage resulting from their use.

Applicable law and jurisdiction.

This website is governed by Belgian law. In the event of disputes, the courts of the district of ... shall be solely competent.

Privacy policy

SCARFISH processes personal data in compliance with this privacy statement. For further information, questions or comments on our privacy policy, please contact Jimmy at scarfish.info@gmail.com

Processing purposes

SCARFISH collects and processes customers' personal data for customer and order management purposes (including customer administration, tracking orders/deliveries, invoicing, solvency monitoring, profiling and sending marketing and personalised advertising).

Legal basis (bases) for the processing 

Personal data is processed based on Article 6.1. [(a) consent,] [(b) (required for the implementation of an agreement),] [(c) (required to satisfy a legal obligation)], [(f) (required for the protection of our legitimate interest in entrepreneurship)] of the General Data Protection Act.

Transfer to third parties

Should this be necessary in order to achieve the stated objectives, the customer's personal data will be shared with other companies (of the SCARFISH group) within the European Economic Area that are directly or indirectly connected to SCARFISH or with any other partner of SCARFISH.

SCARFISH guarantees that these recipients will take the necessary technical and organisational measures for the protection of personal data.

Retention period

Personal data processed for customer management will be stored for the time necessary to satisfy legal requirements (in terms of bookkeeping, among others).

Right to inspection, improvement, deletion, limitation, objection and transferability of personal data

The customer is at all times entitled to inspect their personal data and can correct it or have it corrected if it is incorrect or incomplete, have it removed, restrict its processing and object to the processing of personal data involving them based on Article 6.1 (e) or (f), including profiling based on these provisions.

Furthermore, the customer is entitled to obtain a copy (in a structured, standard and mechanically readable form) of their personal details and to have said personal details forwarded to another company.

In order to exercise the aforementioned rights, the customer is requested to:

-              Adjust the settings of their customer account; and/or

-              Send an e-mail to the following address: scarfish.info@gmail.com

 Direct marketing

The customer is entitled to object free of charge to the processing of their personal data aimed at marketing.


The customer has the right to file a complaint with the Belgian Privacy Protection Commission (35 Rue de la Presse, 1000 Brussels - commission@privacycommission.be).

Use of ‘cookies’.

During a visit to the website, cookies can be stored on your computer’s hard drive. A cookie is a text file placed by a website server in your computer’s browser or on your mobile device, whenever you visit a website. Cookies cannot be used to identify people, a cookie can only identify a machine.

‘First-party cookies’ are technical cookies that are used by the visited site itself and that are intended to enable the site to function optimally. Example: settings adjusted by the user during previous visits, or: a form with data previously completed by the user during prior visits.

‘Third-party cookies’ are cookies that do not originate from the website itself, but from third parties, e.g., marketing or advertising plug-ins. (For example, Facebook or Google Analytics cookies. For such cookies the visitor to the website must first give consent, which can take place through a bar at the top or bottom of the website, with reference to said policy, which nonetheless does not prevent further browsing on the website.

You can adjust the settings on your Internet browser so that cookies are not accepted, that you receive a warning whenever a cookie is installed or that the cookies are subsequently removed from your hard drive. You can do this through your browser’s settings (using the help function). Do take into account that specific graphic elements may not appear correctly or that you will be unable to use specific applications.

By using our website, you agree with our use of cookies.